Our Founders
Meet the dream team behind Safi Vodka - James Grant and Nyisha Perry. Together, their skills come together in the perfect storm.
James Grant, Founder & Distiller
Army Veteran
Degree in Chemistry
Experienced Oil & Gas Professional
Nyisha Perry, Co-Founder
Graduate of Lone Star Community College
Over 18 Years in Customer Service
Logistics Background
Our Philosophy
Distillation marries science and art.
As a chemist and intelligence analyst, researching the concepts of fermentation and distillation came easily to James - but the art of the final stages was where he fell in love with the process. Making the cuts and barrel aging is about taste, feeling, and joy. While brandy making was the first thing that brought him to distilling, creating a compelling vodka has challenged him in new and exciting ways.
Safi seeks to return to the roots of vodka by creating a unique spirit. Toss aside grains or cane - we believe in challenging ourselves with a signature sugar source. Sweet Potato imparts a new flavor that allows us to explore the bounds of what vodka can be. We focus on the front end of distillation by controlling the fermentation temperature, yeasts and enzymes, in the same way a brewer or winemaker would. By starting with the best process, we are able to ensure the best product.

Dried Sweet Potatoes
Pureed Sweet Potatoes
No added sugar
No artificial flavors
Our Name
Why the name Safi and motto Safi ya moyo, Wazi wa Akil?
Safi means ‘pure’ in Swahili, which is how we view our vodka. Safi is exactly what we say it is - made solely from sweet potatoes, without filler grains or corn. We connect deeply with the low country of South Carolina, where African and new world cultures meld in the Gullah-Geechee people. Sweet potatoes are not only indigineous to the Americas, but play a heavy role in Gullah cuisine. In Safi, we highlight sweet potatoes as an ingredient that binds together and celebrates multiple cultures. ‘Safi Ya Moyo, Wazi Wa Akil’ translates to ‘pure heart, clear mind’ and we carry this mindset as we craft each batch.

Our Logo
Detail is a core pillar of our brand. Our logo is a symbol of our name, values, and stories as individuals. We pay homage to our ancestors that paved the way for us, and reach toward a brighter future that we will create together.